Do you have any questions?
This section provides valuable information on practical, legal and safety-relevant topics. If you not find the answers you are looking for, please contact us directly.
contact via E-Mail
How can I obtain current safety data sheets?
Answer: All our commercial customers receive a safety data sheet (Sida) for articles purchased from us.
The Sida contains important information about the hazardous substances, including details of components, physical and chemical properties, as well as first aid measures. We send the current version to an e-mail address specified by the customer shortly after the first delivery of goods. If the content of the safety data sheet changes significantly within one year after the last delivery of goods, an update will be sent automatically.
Upon request, we can also supply safety data sheets in foreign languages.
Customers who do not obtain our products directly from us are kindly requested to ask their supplier. If you are a private customer, and you require a safety data sheet, please ask us.
Are all the available products conform to REACh/CLP?
Answer: All substances and preparations used and sold by us are registered under the European Chemicals Regulation for most of the intended applications, or are undergoing the registration phase. All substances and preparations are conform to the CLP Regulation for classification and identification of chemicals. Further information on REACh or CLP can be found at the following link:
How do I dispose of empty packaging?
Answer: Our sales packaging can be disposed of in accordance with the local/regional/national/international regulations. It must be ensured that discarded chemical packaging does not contain any hazardous residues.
We are the license holder for the disposal of sales packaging at Interseroh.
Is there a product list/catalogue?
Answer: We do not hand out a complete catalogue of the items we supply.
The fastest and most effective way to solve a particular problem is by contacting us by telephone or in person. This easily avoids expensive and/or hazardous misuse.
Special product information is available for certain applications.
When are we available?
Monday to Thursday: 07.30 to 12.30 hrs, 13.15 to 16.30
Friday: 07.30 to 12.30, 13.00 to 15.00 hrs
Phone: +49 211 88 22 800
Fax: +49 211 88 22 80 106
You can contact us at all times by our e-mail address:
Where do I find the consumer information on SHIPCLEAN?
In accordance with the Detergents Regulation (VO 648-2004)?
Answer: The SHIPCLEAN substances according to the Detergents Regulation (EC No. 648/2004) are listed as follows:
Methylglycine diacetic acid, Na salt
C6 alkyl glucoside
How do I proceed in case of an accident involving hazardous substances?
Answer: In case of chemical poisoning/acid burns, you or the attending doctor can call the Toxic Information Centre for an 24-hour emergency advice.
Number in Germany: +49 30 19240
For your country please contact your Toxic Information Centre there.
Further information on first aid and environmental protection can be found on the safety data sheet.
Links of interest
Information on chemical legislation can be obtained from the
European Chemical Agency:
Emergency information can be obtained from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment:
Information on the chemical trade is provided by Verband Chemiehandel e.V. [German Chemical Trade Association]:
For matters relating to health and safety at work, contact the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health:
The German Federal Environmental Agency website provides detailed information on environmental law:
Do you have any questions?
We will be happy to answer them.