The charity regatta “Düsseldorf am Ruder — für Menschen mit Krebs” is an outstanding event in Düsseldorf’s Media Harbour in support of people with cancer.
We want to bear the social responsibility that is expected of us as a long-established company. We support education, sport and culture because we are investing in the future of our society.

In one week’s time:
on the afternoon of 01.09.2023 from 14.00 – 17.00 there will be a swap and flea market for a good cause.
Schulz & Sohn at the “Düsseldorf am Ruder” rowing regatta.
It was a very rainy day for us and all the other 97 teams that went to the start of the charity regatta in the Media Harbour on Saturday, 12.08.2023.
At the beginning of December, the proceeds of this year’s rowing regatta were handed over to the cancer society in the city hall of Düsseldorf. A total of 30,000 €!
On 18.11.2022, the “Bundesweite Vorlesetag” (nationwide reading aloud day) took place for the 19th time. Dr. Klaus V. Schulz surprised the Wirbelwind day care centre (Ellerstraße in Oberbilk) with an extraordinary guest for this occasion.
As always, the three teams from Schulz & Sohn were highly ambitious at the start of the charity regatta of the NRW Cancer Society.
We are pleased to be able to support this great campaign as a gold donor:
Vom 03.07. bis 07.07.2019 fand die Henley Royal Regatta statt. Diese seit 180 Jahren jährlich über einer Strecke von einer Meile und 550 yards (2,112 km) stattfindende Ruderregatta – das Wimbledon des Ruderns
We have just become proud owners of two beautiful, massive wooden garden benches…
We are supporting a joint venture with the ‘Association of Friends and Sponsors of the High School Gerresheim’, with its associated rowing club and the Zweckverband Unterbacher See (Special Purpose Association Unterbacher See)…
A cooperative partnership with the Museum NRW-Forum Düsseldorf is existing since early 2016.