
Arrived - great team and exciting development opportunities

What is your job title?

Central Services aka Assistant to all staff in Central Services 😉

What is your job about?

Central Services is the heart of Schulz & Sohn GmbH. In reception we take care of all customers, service providers and of course our dear employees. Whether in person, by telephone or in writing: we are always in a good mood and try to cope with every task. We also take care of travel arrangements, mailing & distribution, ordering office supplies & work clothes, scheduling & coordinating meetings & catering. We also provide occasional support to HR (e. g. onboarding) and marketing, for example at staff events.

What is the coolest thing about your job?

It simply never gets boring. Dealing with all customers, service providers and employees is always a pleasure at work. Furthermore, I really enjoy working in my team, with my lovely colleagues.

What challenges does your job bring with it?

Officially, the newly established department has existed in its current staffing since November 2021. In preparation for the new task and as part of our onboarding, we were allowed to visit all departments before the official start of Central Services to get to know each workplace better. As Central Services did not exist before, we shaped the entire structure and organisation of our department. After half a year, however, we can now say that we have familiarised ourselves well and have taken over many tasks from other departments to relieve them and manage them from Central Services in the future. Even smallest things play a big role in a company. Our challenge now is to organise the many tasks well so that everything keeps flowing and everyone can go home happy.

Career at Schulz & Sohn GmbH – What does your career look like?

In July 2011, I completed my training as a wholesale and export merchant in Stadtlohn and worked for another three years in export sales as a sales manager for English and French customers. After meeting my husband in 2013, I dared to make a complete new start in a city that was very big for me and worked for three years as a lateral entry clerk in the administration department at Saturn in Cologne. There I was responsible for personnel and advertising. After a major internal restructuring, however, I decided to return to my job in wholesale and foreign trade. In September 2019, my little son saw the light of day – the greatest happiness for me – and I was looking for a new job closer to home during my parental leave. That’s how I came across the company Schulz & Sohn GmbH. Searched, found and considered it to be very good. Here I stay, here I feel good.
In my spare time I am also a freelance artist and singer for children’s birthday parties, weddings and events. I give concerts at events, record music videos or VLogs for YouTube and often stream live on Twitch. I am also publishing my own children’s storybook “Saleia – the Sunflower Princess” this year with the publisher “Gedankenreich.” These hobbies make my heart beat faster when I know that I can make others a little happy.

What opportunities do you see for yourself here?

Schulz & Sohn GmbH treats its employees very warmly and socially. No obstacles are put in the way here if you say: “I would like to develop myself further.” And that is what I would like to do in the future. Even if it doesn’t happen so quickly because of my little son, I’m looking forward to working more hours again soon and developing personally here.

What is special about Schulz & Sohn GmbH for you?

At Schulz & Sohn GmbH you are treated like a real human being and that already started at the job interview. They didn’t just talk about work, but the colleagues were also interested in me as a person, what I do and what I enjoy. That immediately took away any fear. I also fondly remember the day when my dear colleague Mrs. Schroeter and I were invited to the second interview, we did a tour of the company and were already introduced in such a way that we would be starting directly here next month. I liked it so much that I just wanted to sign up straight away. And I can say: I have no regrets. The wonderful interaction with all my colleagues, the social commitment and the positive teamwork give me a lot of pleasure every day and make me feel fulfilled.

What benefits do you find remarkable?

I find it very remarkable that people are so open to further training opportunities here. Also great were the wonderful parties (summer, Christmas) organised by Marketing. Especially nice: employees and their families were invited to celebrate with us. I furthermore like the company’s social commitment. Schulz und Sohn supports various organisations with donations and even takes part in the Düsseldorf charity regatta every year with three boats. Even our managing director is personally bringing everyone a birthday present. You can tell that team spirit and people are very emphasised here.

Does Schulz & Sohn GmbH suit you? If so, why?

For me on a personal level, the following things are very important, which are not a matter of course in every company:

  • Good teamwork and a good working atmosphere
  • Being able to say thank you
  • Treating everyone like a human being and not like a machine
  • Personal and job-related development

All these points contribute to the fact that you can feel good and simply enjoy going to work and want to give your best. For me personally, Schulz & Sohn fulfils all the points why I like working here and all my colleagues contribute to this.

How would you describe Schulz & Sohn GmbH in one word?

A unique lucky find.